SPLC Targets Babylon Bee Writers In Effort To Silence Free Speech
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a group that claims to champion civil rights, has come under fire for targeting anonymous writers at Not the Bee, a Christian media site tied to the satire platform Babylon Bee. Critics say the SPLC’s actions are part of a broader effort to silence conservative voices and undermine free speech in America.
Last week, the SPLC revealed the identities of several anonymous Not the Bee writers, including personal details like family relationships and locations. The doxing sparked outrage from Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon, who accused the SPLC of trying to intimidate those with differing opinions.
“They did it because they’re vindictive bullies,” Dillon wrote. “Their aim is to ‘completely destroy’ individuals and organizations they disagree with by making them pay a steep price for speaking freely.”
The SPLC defended its actions, claiming it was protecting vulnerable communities. In a statement to USA Today, the organization accused the writers of creating “hateful content” that allegedly dehumanizes transgender individuals, LGBTQ+ people, immigrants, and people of color.
Critics argue that the SPLC’s actions are a direct assault on American values, particularly the principles of free speech and open dialogue. “The SPLC is essentially saying that conservative Christians and the majority of Americans who support border enforcement and parental rights have ‘no place in our society,’” Not the Bee responded.
This incident highlights a troubling trend where powerful groups target dissenting voices to suppress opinions they dislike. By doxing private citizens, the SPLC has shown a willingness to intimidate and silence, raising questions about its commitment to the principles it claims to uphold.